This World Consumer Rights Day (15 March 2020), consumer organizations around the world joined together to call for global changes to stop environmental breakdown.
A consumer is a kind of God to the seller.E-commerce has transformed the world for consumers, giving people more choice and convenience and revolutionizing the way we buy and sell goods. This day is made for showing the importance of a consumer for seller and even for world economy.there are some of the rallies making out by consumers for their rights which is actually for the topic how seller cheats with them and other kind of reasons. The Sustainable Consumer campaign rallied over 160 members in more than 100 countries across the globe, alongside Consumers International partners such the United Nations, to mark the day. Around this topic I also remember an act for consumer protection “consumer protection act 1986” and some movements such as “Jago Grahak Jago” were also got famous.
Some of the movements for consumers were actually seriously done because of no legal system was available for consumers to protect them from exploitation of market place.
World Consumer’s Day With Flowers
By taking advantage of special days, current campaigns or eye-catching promotions, you can inspire your customers to think of flowers and gifts at times other than just birthdays….